Jyothi Neenavath’s Story: A Mother’s Fight for Hope

My life changed forever the day I lost my husband. When I heard about his accident, I thought he would recover. But a sudden heart attack took him away, leaving me alone and shattered. We had been married for 13 years, and our biggest dream was to start a family. I was five months pregnant, and my world fell apart.

Grief took over, affecting my health, blood pressure, and emotional well-being. I struggled to take care of myself and the baby growing inside me. Then, one day, I had a medical emergency. The hospital I went to treated pregnancies beyond 27 weeks—I was just 26 weeks and 2 days. They referred me to Rainbow Children’s Hospital, Banjara Hills, where I was admitted immediately.

My daughter came into the world too soon, too fragile—born at just 26 weeks, weighing only 650 grams. She lay in the NICU, fighting for every breath, and I stood there helpless, a mother drowning in sorrow, fear, and uncertainty. The treatment costs ₹15 lakhs—an impossible amount for me alone.

But in my darkest moment, the ExtraMile Foundation became my light. They stepped in with financial support, kindness, and strength, reminding me that I wasn’t alone. They stood beside me, ensuring my daughter received the best care, giving her the fighting chance she deserved.

Today, as I look at my healthy, growing daughter, I feel deeply grateful. ExtraMile Foundation gave me hope when I had none. They proved that even in the hardest moments, we are never truly alone.

To everyone who supports their mission—thank you for giving families like mine a second chance at life.