Small and big hands doing a high five

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Story About Us

Trust NGO Mission

Our personal pain, grief and tears united us in the genuine desire to support other parents who faced prematurity and help them with their babies. The mission of the Foundation is to support premature infants and their families. The Foundation’s vision is to achieve: Build a world where every premature and sick newborn gets affordable care with better health prognosis with informed and confident parents amongst the underprivileged newborns.


Volunteer Now​

You can make a difference in many ways beyond donating to Extra Mile.

You Can Join Our Community of Volunteers and be a changemaker. Volunteer for NGO sector, volunteer to serve, volunteers to spread some smile, Spread the word.

Partner With Us

We work alongside sick & newborn children, supporters, and partners like trusts, institutions, companies and artists, who help us build a world where every premature and sick newborn gets affordable care.

Together, we can accomplish excellent care for every new born equitably. Come, partner with us and change the fate of India’s future, lighten up the lives of India’s underprivileged children.


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